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Dwarf Fortress Your First Fortress Tutorial Lets Play
Dwarfs inside Stronghold are able to cease mining tasks if necessary.
Dwarfs toiling inside the
citadel possess the option to stop all excavation process at any time they deem essential. They have the ability to terminate the mining tasks as and when it's needed.
Little people engaged in activities within the confines of Citadel are able to stop excavation for minerals in the event that needed. They possess the ability to cancel extraction procedures whenever they see fit.
inside Fortress are capable of stop the task of excavating as required. They can cancel excavation operations as per their discretion. They have the ability to suspend digging tasks as per their desire.
Little people working in
Stronghold hold the option to terminate digging tasks whenever necessary. They are able to halt the process of excavating according to their own judgement.
Dwarfs mining in Stronghold can halt excavation operations whenever necessary. They possess the freedom to suspend the task of mining if it is deemed appropriate.
Dwarfs toiling inside Fortress have the capacity to end mining activities if necessary. They can halt the process of mining at any time.

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